
Budget Transparency at the Local Governments in India: Missing Links-I

Nilachala Acharya

  • 12 November 2018

Availability of budget data / information through various reports and web portals of a government is considered as one of the strong pillars of budget transparency. Since governments deal with public...

The long road to seeking accountability for the makers of modern India

Rakshita Swamy

  • 6 November 2018

A recently concluded social audit of the implementation of Building and other Construction Workers (BOCW) Act in Delhi and Rajasthan clearly demonstrated that construction workers who build and make...

Privatisation in Health Sector: Signs of Warning

Richa Chintan

  • 30 October 2018

“There are virtually no limits on what can be privatised”, so opined the World Bank in 1992[1]. However, at that time, the concept of privatisation was used largely in the context of industrial...

Deconstructing Gender and Intersectional Identities

Priyanka Samy

  • 29 October 2018

How would you situate a Trans-Dalit-Muslim woman, especially when her identity is intersected by factors such as poverty, disability or her status of being a migrant? Should her identity be defined...

Education as Corporate Social responsibility (CSR) - Hype or Hope?

Protiva Kundu

  • 12 October 2018

Friedman in his book Capitalism and Freedom argued that “there is one and only one social responsibility of business - to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits...

Do our budgets pass the gender test?

Kanika Kaul

  • 9 October 2018
  • India Development Review

“Don’t tell me what you value, show me your budget and I’ll tell you what you value”, remarked Joe Biden, former American Vice President during the 2008 Presidential Campaign. Against the...

Robust Public Policy Design is Important for Financing Climate Change Mitigation Actions

Jyotsna Goel

  • 9 October 2018

India has committed to ambitious action on climate change mitigation, pledging that renewable energy will be 40 percent of country’s expected generation capacity in 2020, which includes a wind...

Inequality and the Trend in Central Tax Collection

Malini Chakravarty

  • 5 October 2018

For a long time it was assumed that economic inequality in India is low compared to countries with similar per capita income. This notion arose because inequality in India is measured mainly in terms...

Kerala Floods: What it reveals about Building Societies

Anurag Mazumdar

  • 3 October 2018

Although the waters have ebbed and a sense of normalcy has returned to Kerala, memories of the devastating floods in late-August persist in public imagination. The deluge, caused by a combination of...

A Journey that Enabled Our Transition

Happy Pant

  • 27 September 2018

CBGA has been carrying out cutting-edge policy research and advocacy, from the perspective of poor and underprivileged since its inception one and a half decades ago. As we moved forward taking...

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