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Consultation on 'The Future of Fiscal Transparency and Accountability in India' 26 October, 2018

Increasingly, people across the country are keen to understand and participate meaningfully in discussions on government budgets. But the limited availability of relevant and accessible fiscal information in India continues to be a hindrance in this regard.

Several organisations, coalitions and individuals have worked relentlessly over the last two decades to address the deep-rooted problems in fiscal transparency and accountability in the country. Such efforts have highlighted the legal, institutional and policy related gaps constraining transparency and accountability in government budgets and, suggested ways for improving the policies, institutions, norms and practices in this domain. A lot of work has also been towards enhancing public engagement with fiscal issues at different levels of government.

Despite visible gains resulting from these substantive efforts, some of the major issues have persisted and new challenges have also emerged over the last decade. In such a backdrop, CBGA organised a Consultation on 26th October at Constitution Club of India, Rafi Marg, Delhi. The consultation brought together CSOs, social activists, policy analysts and public officials to reflect on the state of fiscal transparency and accountability in India at present. The discussions helped sketching a broad understanding of the existing and emerging challenges and opportunities in this field as well as the priorities and strategies that could guide the efforts in this domain in the coming years.

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