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National Consultation on "Budget Justice for Addressing Inequalities" 15 March, 2018

A National Consultation on "Budget Justice for Addressing Inequalities" was organised by People's Budget Initiative (PBI) on 15 March 2018, New Delhi.

The Objectives of the Consultation were as follows:

-Discuss key governance issues and articulate the narrative in which PBI’s ‘Budget Justice’ campaign ought to be rooted;

-Highlight key demands that PBI could advocate for and popularise as part of its ‘Budget Justice’ campaign;

-Identify and prioritise the strategies that the ‘Budget Justice’ campaign needs to adopt in the coming years.

The Consultation brought together representatives of people’s movements, civil society coalitions, grassroots level organisations, and budget groups from across the country working within the rights-based framework on different aspects of governance and human development. PBI in this Consultation attempted to link issues, prioritise demands and develop clear positions to build an inclusive narrative on budgets.


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