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Roundtable on "Public Financing for Nutrition in Bihar" 4 April, 2018

Asian Development Research Institute (ADRI), Patna, Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability (CBGA), New Delhi and UNICEF, Bihar organised a Round Table Discussion on Public Financing for Nutrition in Bihar at ADRI premises on Wednesday, April 4, 2018.

Four Working Papers, developed by CBGA and UNICEF-Delhi were released during the Round Table. These four papers have examined some important aspects of public financing for nutrition in Bihar, both at the state and district level. The papers have tracked budgets for nutrition, discuss the challenges pertaining to adequacy of funds, issues in fund utilisation and bottlenecks constraining implementation of some of these interventions in the state.

The Round Table brought together government functionaries, policy makers, and public finance and nutrition experts to discuss the issues associated with public investment in nutrition in Bihar to suggest a possible way forward. The discussion helped in identifying issues and challenges across a range of sectors that require greater attention in the policy framework of the state. The Round Table was part of our efforts to deepen the policy discourse on nutrition in India, at the national and sub-national levels, specifically from the public investment perspective.

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