
Health budget just one-third of the 2025 target

February 8, 2018

  • (Governance Now; Richa Chintan )

In the union budget for 2018-19, some big announcements have been made especially for the health sector but not supported by corresponding budgetary allocations. While, on the one hand, allocations for some of the key programmes have not shown any increase, on the other, promises have been made for rolling out a big insurance scheme for the poor with no specific budgetary provisions.

Why Arun Jaitley might have chosen standard deduction instead of raising income tax exemption limit

February 8, 2018

  • (Financial Express; Sridhar Kundu )

Ahead of the Union Budget 2018, there was a lot of anticipation about possible tax relief for direct taxpayers with either a change in the income tax slabs; lowering of the tax rates; or an increase in the income tax exemption limit from the current Rs 2.5 lakhs to Rs 3 lakhs or even to Rs 5 lakhs.

#Budget2018’s job promise is hollow

February 7, 2018

  • (Newslaundry; Sona Mitra )

India’s employment statistics have been grim for some time now.

In the face of the brouhaha over the pakoda business, the Union Budget for 2018-19 – the fifth and final full budget of the current government – was looked at with hope by the people of the nation.

India half-way through in promoting budget transparency - reports a Global Survey

January 30, 2018

  • ( )

The idea of ‘good governance’ has gained a lot of momentum in the recent years and ‘Budget Transparency’ has acquired importance as one of the parameters of ‘good governance’ across the globe. In light of this, it is pertinent to see where India stands in a global survey of budget transparency covering more than 100 countries.

नोटबंदी से टूटी है खेती की कमर, बड़े कदम उठाए बिना नहीं बनेगी बात

November 11, 2017

  • (Firstpost; Sona Mitra )

गुजरे साल 8 नवंबर को प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने 1,000 रुपए और 500 रुपए के नोट बंद करने का ऐलान कर दिया था. इस फैसले से देश की 86 फीसदी करेंसी अचानक से सिस्टम से बाहर हो गई. इस कदम का मकसद अर्थव्यस्था में मौजूद कालेधन का पता लगाना और इसे खत्म करना था. इसके जरिए देश में भ्रष्टाचार पर लगाम लगाने का भी लक्ष्य रखा गया था.

Demonetisation dealt a body blow to agriculture; govt should find holistic solution to farmer debt issue

November 10, 2017

  • (Firstpost; Sona Mitra )

Last year, on 8 November, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the obsolescence of two high value paper currency, Rs 1,000 and Rs 500 notes, constituting 86 percent of the total cash money in circulation, at a short notice of barely four hours with an objective to unearth and dispose black money and control corruption in the economy.

Can the Green Climate Fund lead to a more democratic climate finance governance?

October 20, 2017

  • ( Divya Singh )

Green Climate Fund (GCF) is the new international fund established by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to mobilize and channel concessional climate finance for developing countries. GCF’s mandate is to support transformative climate action in developing countries, helping them achieve low – carbon, climate resilient development. It particularly seeks to support clean energy, low carbon cities, low emission agriculture, forestry and adaptation.

Asia’s Regional Tax Wars Indicate That It’s Time to Review Tax Incentives

September 22, 2017

Revelations like the Panama PapersBahamas leaks and the recent Azerbaijani Laundromat scandal have seen countries adopting “global” transparency standards endorsed by the OECD and G20. Asian countries like Indonesia, India, Hong Kong, Singapore and China have agreed to bilaterally share financial information of taxpayers in the beginning of 2018 to combat corporate tax avoidance.

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