
Featured Opinions

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan: Prospects and Challenges

  • (Employment News;  November 8, 2014)

The article discusses some of the features of the newly proposed Swachch Bharat Abhiyan. Though the detailed guidelines of the programme have not been issued yet, a preliminary assessment has been made from the information available in the public domain.

Urban Poor in India: Addressing the Challenges

  • (Employment News;  September 13, 2014)

This article highlights the fact that the urban areas have failed to meet the demands of the increasing population pressure resulting in large gaps in provisioning of basic amenities. Deprivation of such services has resulted in the expanding of slums with conditions unfit for human habitation.

HDR Accords High Priority to Basic Social Services and Social Protection

  • (Employment News;  August 25, 2014)

This article explains the findings of the latest Human Development Report (HDR), 2014. It reveals that India has maintained its position at 135 out of 187 countries, reflecting little improvement in the living standard of its people during 2013.

Ensuring Good Governance and Effective Institutions: Can We Afford to Ignore Capacity Issues?

  • (Southern Voice;  August 14, 2014)

The paper explores the significance of capacity of governance with reference to the experience of public policies and their implementation in India over the past decade.

What Does the Union Budget have for Health and Education?

  • (Dainik Jagran;  July 13, 2014)

The Union Budget 2014-15 has a few new interventions in the social sector and there is an increase in allocation for select schemes and programmes. This article suggests a need for higher financial provisions for quality education and health care services.

Flow of Credit to Agriculture

  • (Employment News;  July 12, 2014)

Financial inclusion is necessary for growth to be inclusive. Increasing the amount of credit flow to the agriculture sector, particularly provisioning of credit to small and marginal farmers is one of the important ways for making the country’s economic growth more inclusive. In this context, the article attempts to trace the amount of institutional credit flow to small holders in agriculture.

Budget for 2014-15: Not much different from the interim budget

  • (DNA;  July 11, 2014)

The new government got a little over a month to carry out the budget preparation process, which usually takes up to five months in every financial year.

Party Economics

  • (Governance Now;  June 28, 2014)

One of prime minister Narendra Modi’s first decisions, to set up a special investigating team (SIT) to probe the matter of black money stashed abroad, reopens some of the biggest questions for the Indian economy – and politics. It has also brought public attention back on the discourse on corruption and black money.

Lost in Implementation

  • (DNA Newspaper;  June 20, 2014)

Violence against women, in the public sphere as well as within the home, has been a major challenge in the country for long, but until recently it had largely been a concern raised by women’s rights activists. It is the recent public outrage at the rising levels of violence faced by women that has brought the issue to the forefront of public discourse, forcing the Union government to acknowledge the severity of the problem.

How Our Political Parties Should Hit Reform Path

  • (Governance Now;  June 19, 2014)

The life of the democratic state is built upon the party system,” Harold J Laski said in his classic text, A Grammar of Politics. Political parties, despite being non-governmental entities, are the means through which a modern, democratic nation-state is operationalised.

Growth Performance of Agriculture Sector

  • (Employment News;  June 14, 2014)

Agriculture, as a sector, has been playing a decisive role in shaping the overall growth trajectories of the Indian economy since Independence.

Dimensions of Wage Inequality in India

  • (Employment News;  May 17, 2014)

This article gives an overview of various dimensions of wage inequality prevalent in India. Consumption data corroborates horizontal and vertical inequality across regions and sectors