
Featured Opinions

Formula for disempowerment of persons with disabilities

Persons with disabilities  are the  most neglected in the process of inclusive development. While budgetary interventions for this community is highly inadequate, governments’  recent proposals towards whittling down disability legislation might worsen the condition of the PWDs further.

Rajasthan needs to invest more in secondary education of girls

The state of girls’ education in Rajasthan remains grim. COVID-19 has increased the probability of more girls dropping out, before they complete their secondary education. The article urges Rajasthan government to prioritise girls’ education and invest adequately to ensure universal access to secondary education for all girls.

Challenge of Protecting Human Rights in the Virtual World Beckons Civil Society

The piece underscores that a fast changing technology and power dynamics of the virtual world pose unique and complex challenges for human rights. This situation demands a comprehensive, strategic and collective response from the rights based civil society organisations (CSOs). The piece discusses different aspects of the virtual world and their implications to human rights along with the way forward.

To No One's Surprise, Online Schooling Has Started Taking a Psychological Toll on Students

Through an online survey of children who are attending online classes, this article tries to capture their experience of this new arrangement of learning.

Don’t lose sight of long-standing fight against undernutrition

While government machinery, both at the national and the state level, are trying to tackle the immediate threat of the pandemic, there are concerns around ensuring proper nutrition for children and pregnant women, especially for the marginalised sections. This can have disastrous effects on the long term health of these already vulnerable groups. In this backdrop, the article highlights some of these issues and discusses the need for protecting public provisioning in relevant government schemes and programmes which are crucial for nutrition as well as the need to modify the guidelines to expand the beneficiaries of such programmes.

COVID-19: Is our Public Health System Battle Ready?

The study shows that the reach of the government in health care, across states, is limited, which has made the poor section dependent on the private sector, and that has led to economic impoverishment. It requires a large scale increase in public expenditure on health to make the system battle ready.

Four Ways that MGNREGA Can Be Expanded to Help India's Rural Economy

Implementation of MGNREGA has suffered due to an inadequate allocation of resources. This was reflected in lower than legal minimum wages, low level of days of employment creation and leaving out a sizable number of households from receiving gainful employment. Allocation of little over Rs. 1 lakh crore is still inadequate to counter the crisis and a higher allocation will not lead to substantial burden on the exchequer.

Is Social Distancing Feasible for a Majority of Schools in India?

MHRD is exploring the possibility of reopening schools and for which NCERT is preparing guidelines related to social distancing in schools/classrooms. However, data suggests that the majority of the schools are not equipped to implement such measures and one of the prominent reasons is chronic under-funding in the school education sector.

Is the Agricultural Package Addressing Challenges Small Farmers Face in a Pandemic?

The stimulus package has not made clear whether or how small farmers will really benefit.

Health versus Wealth? The ‘measure’ of our responses to COVID-19

Tax justice and financial transparency are ever more urgent. To start to rebuild an international society worth living after Covid-19 we need a plan that puts human rights at the centre of our response.

This Pandemic Should Help the Govt Acknowledge the Crucial Role NGOs Play

While the government seems to appreciate the potential of NGOs in addressing the immediate aftermath of the lockdown, the need is to foster a complementary and collaborative engagement which looks far beyond.

Beyond the Pandemic: Taxing times ahead for NGOs

Certain amendments made in the Finance Act 2020-21 alter the validity of registration granted to these organisations. New rules require NGOs and charitable organisations to renew their registration every five years. The Centre must reconsider the amendments so as to make the regulatory environment more enabling for NGOs.